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Sterbeeckia 19  01 2000


​Pag. 3-5 Rosellinia musispora sp. nov., een nieuw Tepelkogeltje op Riet (Phragmites australis), VAN RYCKEGEM G. & VERBEKEN A.

A new Rosellinia species has been discovered on dead culms of Phragmites australis. Rosellinia musispora sp. nov. is closely related to R. britannica and R. mammaeformis but it is characterised by its banana-shaped elongate spores lacking appendixes and being entirely covered with a thin slime layer.

Pag. 6-8 Achroomyces lunaticonidiatus sp. nov., een nieuwe, intrahymeniale heterobasidiomyceet, VAN DE PUT K.

Achroomyces lunaticonidiatus sp. nov. is proposed as a new intra¬hymenial auricularioid heterobasidiomycete. It is characterised by the lunate conidiospores, the 4-septated basidia with distinct inflated probasidia, the narrow obovate basidiospores, and the clamped thinwalled hyphae. The species was found growing in the hymenium of Hyphodontia sambuci (Pers.: Fr.) J. Erikss. together with Spiculogloea occulta P. Roberts, another intrahymenial auricularioid parasite which is not uncommon in this host.

Pag. 9-18 Interessante of zeldzame intrahymeniale en andere heterobasidiomyceten uit Vlaanderen, VAN DE PUT K.

Some interesting intrahymenial and other heterobasidio¬mycetes from Flanders (Belgium) are presented and illustrated: Achroomyces pachysterigmata P. Roberts, an intrahymenial parasite in Tulasnella violea; Basidiodendron nodosum Luck-Allen, rarely reported from the European continent; Tremella giraffa Chen, a recently described species parasitic in Dacrymyces, showing some resemblance to “Sirotrema arrhytidiae ad int.” in Van de Put (1998); Dacrymyces paraphysatus Olive, a rare clamped species with thickwalled 3-septate basidiospores and dendrophyses; Ceratobasidium ramicola Tu, D.P. Roberts & Kimbrough, an ovoid-spored, rarely reported species; and Thanatephorus ochraceus (Massee) P. Roberts, previously better known under its synonym T. orchidicola. The basidiospores of the latter are compared with those of Thanatephorus fusisporus and T. amygdalisporus.

Pag. 19-22 Een nieuwe Hemitrichia en een nieuw geslacht, Colloderma, (Myxomycetes) voor België, DE HAAN M.

During an excursion on the 7th novembre of 1998 in the domain Heidebos (Wachtebeke, Prov. of East-Flanders) the first record for Belgium of two rare species of Myxomycetes was made, Hemitrichia leiotricha (A. Lister) G. Lister and Colloderma oculatum (Lippert) G. Lister. Descriptions with colour drawings of the macroscopical and microscopical features are given.

Hemitrichia leiotricha (Trichiaceae) has globose to subglobose, ochraceous to olive-brown coloured sporocarps. Their rough, stout stalks are dark-brown to black. The free ends of the capillitium are very irregularly shaped. The smooth, broad spiral-bands, 3 to 6 in number, are strongly pronounced to almost invisible in some areas. The spores are yellow in translucent light (NH3-solution), 10,5-12,5 µm diam. The ornamentation consist of small warts, rather equally spread over the surface.

C. oculatum is the type species of Colloderma (Stemonitaceae), a small genus with 2-8 species depending on which author is followed. One of the main features is the outer peridium which becomes gelatinous when moist, dried it is tough and perkament-like. The inner wall is translucent and irridesent. The capillitium consists of branching threads, dark brown at the base and colourless at the extermities. Some parts of the threads are enclosed by a hyaline sheath. The spores are purplish-grey in translucent light (NH3-solution). The porus is slightly to distinctly bulging.

Pag. 23-26 Eerste vondsten van Tetragoniomyces uliginosus (P. Karst.) Oberw. & Bandoni in Vlaanderen, VAN DE PUT K., VAN RYCKEGEM G. & ANTONISSEN I.

Tetragoniomyces uliginosus is a strange parasitic tremellaceous fungus lacking the ability to form basidiospores, the reproduction being based on hyphal proliferation from the four basidial chambers. Since its first description by Karsten in 1883, only recollections from Canada and Germany have been reported. The species has recently been collected four times in the field in Flanders (Belgium) in four different localities and on three different substrates, viz. Phragmites australis, leaves of Typha angustifolia and leaves of Populus alba. It was also observed several times developing on decaying Phragmites stems in moist chambers. An extended illustrated description and discussion on the species is given.

Pag. 27-48 Bijdrage tot de kennis van het subgenus Telamonia (Cortinarius) in België, DE HAAN A., VOLDERS J. & LENAERTS L.

In this sixth report by the Cortinarius study-group of the “Antwerpse Mycologische Kring” 7 collections found in 1998 are fully described, illustrated and discussed: Cortinarius erythrinus (Fr.) Fr., C. brunneus (Pers.: Fr.) Fr. var. brunneus, C. striatuloides Hry., C. bolaris (Pers.: Fr.) Zaw., C. alnetorum (Vel.) Moser, C. lepidus Moënne-L. and a new species, C. rigidiannulatus. Cortinarius rigidiannulatus nov. sp. is characterised by the small, slender fruitbodies, with a lilac tinge in the stipe and a distinct annulus, a cedar-like odor, small spores and not to very weakly incrusted hyphae in the cap cuticle. The species is related to Cortinarius parvannulatus Kühner which has larger spores and strongly encrusted hyphae in the cap cuticle. Microscopically it comes close to Cortinarius rigidus ss. Kühner and Romagnesi (1953), but macroscopically this is a totally different species. In addition, two collections of previously treated species are macroscopically described and commented: Cortinarius cohabitans P. Karst. (suppl. coll. 21) and C. comptulus Moser (suppl. coll. 2, 19). (for previous reports, see AMK-Mededelingen 1994-1998).