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Sterbeeckia 32 10 2013
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Sterbeeckia 32: 3-5 (2013) ABOUT LASIOSPHAERIA S.L. (2) BERNARD DECLERCQ Summary In this second contribution on Lasiosphaeria s.l. three species are presented, i.e. Hilberina subcaudata (Mouton) Declercq comb. nov., Hilberina breviseta (P. Karst.) Declercq comb. nov. and Hilberina vandervekenii Declercq sp. nov. The new combination Hilberina moseri (O. Hilber) Declercq is proposed and a key to the Western European species of Hilberina is presented. Samenvatting Deze tweede bijdrage over Lasiosphaeria s.l. behandelt drie taxa, Hilberina subcaudata (Mouton) Declercq comb. nov., Hilberina breviseta (P. Karst.) Declercq comb. nov. en Hilberina vandervekenii Declercq sp. nov. De nieuwe combinatie Hilberina moseri (O. Hilber) Declercq wordt voorgesteld en een determinatiesleutel voor de West-Europese soorten in Hilberina wordt gegeven. Introduction In a first paper, the author described the most recent evolution related to the Lasiosphaeria complex. A key to the Lasiosphaeria-like genera was presented. In this second paper, some species belonging to the genus Hilberina Huhndorf & A. N. Mill. are described and a key to the Western European species of that genus is presented. The genus Hilberina was introduced by Miller & Huhndorf (2004a, b) based on phylogenetic analyses. Species in this genus have superficial, hairy, occasionally tuberculate ascomata with papillate neck, asci with refractive, inamyloid ring, without subapical globulus and cylindrical, geniculate ascospores with one end tapering to a distinct point, first hyaline, turning pale brown with age, without gelatinous appendages.
Sterbeeckia 32: 6-10 (2013) TWO INTERESTING SPECIES OF RICKIA (LABOULBENIALES) FROM COASTAL HABITATS IN BELGIUM AND THE NETHERLANDS ANDRÉ DE KESEL1, DANNY HAELEWATERS2 & CYRILLE GERSTMANS1 Summary This paper presents new records of Rickia (Laboulbeniales) from hosts collected in organic litter along the high-water mark of the North Sea beach. Samples were taken in Belgium and the Netherlands. Rickia proteini was found on Proteinus sp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae); it is a quite uncommon species and a first record for Belgium. Rickia laboulbenioides is a newly described species, found on the millipede Cylindroiulus latestriatus (Diplopoda, Julida, Blaniulidae). Descriptions and illustrations are given for both taxa. Samenvatting Deze bijdrage geeft nieuwe Belgische en Nederlandse vondsten van Rickia’s (Laboulbeniales) die parasiteren op geleedpotigen afkomstig uit het aanspoelsel langsheen de hoogwaterlijn (Noordzeestrand). Rickia proteini werd gevonden op Proteinus sp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Het is een relatief zeldzame soort en een eerste melding voor België. Rickia laboulbenioides is een nieuwe soort; ze werd gevonden op de miljoenpoot Cylindroiulus latestriatus (Diplopoda, Julida, Blaniulidae). Beschrijvingen en illustraties worden gegeven voor beide soorten. Keywords: Laboulbeniales, Rickia, Coleoptera, Diplopoda, Julidae, millipedes, halobiont. Introduction Coastal habitats are home to a variety of halobiont arthropods, i.e. adapted or tolerant towards higher levels of salt and regular flooding. In Belgium and the Netherlands several species of Laboulbenia have been reported from this particular type of habitat (Meijer 1975, De Kesel 1998, Haelewaters et al. 2012). In an attempt to find more records from Belgium and the Netherlands, the litter and debris along the foreshore was sampled and investigated. Two interesting species of Rickia were found, one on a millipede and another on a staphylinid beetle.
Sterbeeckia 32: 11-29 (2013) BIJDRAGE TOT DE KENNIS VAN HET SUBGENUS TELAMONIA (CORTINARIUS) IN BELGIË, 18de verslag van de werkgroep Cortinarius ANDRÉ DE HAAN1, JOS VOLDERS2, JAC GELDERBLOM3, PETER VERSTRAETEN4 & OMER VAN DE KERCKHOVE5 Summary In this eighteenth report by the Cortinarius study-group of the "Koninklijke Vlaamse Mycologische Vereniging" some previous identifications are corrected and new full descriptions, illustrations and discussions are given of Cortinarius subrhombisporus A. de Haan, Volders & Lenaerts sp. nov., Cortinarius rubenii A. de Haan & Volders sp. nov., Cortinarius salicticolus Volders & Gelderblom sp. nov., Cortinarius atropusillus J. Favre, Cortinarius vandervekenianus Verstraeten & Gelderblom sp. nov., Cortinarius privus Reumaux, Cortinarius anomalus var. anomalus (Fr.) Fr. and Cortinarius subdecipiens Gelderblom & Volders sp. nov. Inleiding In dit achttiende rapport van de Cortinarius-werkgroep worden enkele vroegere collecties opnieuw besproken en gecorrigeerd en vijf nieuwe collecties, verzameld in 2010 en 2011, worden beschreven, afgebeeld en besproken, nl. Cortinarius subrhombisporus A. de Haan, Volders & Lenaerts sp. nov., Cortinarius rubenii A. de Haan & Volders sp. nov., Cortinarius salicticolus Volders & Gelderblom sp. nov., Cortinarius atropusillus J. Favre, Cortinarius vandervekenianus Verstraeten & Gelderblom sp. nov., Cortinarius privus Reumaux, Cortinarius anomalus var. anomalus (Fr.) Fr. en Cortinarius subdecipiens Gelderblom & Volders sp. nov. Voor de gevolgde werkwijze verwijzen we naar de vorige rapporten (de Haan et al. 1994 etc.). Kleurcodes in de tekst volgen Séguy (1936, verder aangeduid als Sé). Sterbeeckia 32: 30-56 (2013) MEELDAUWEN RAF LEYSEN Summary Powdery mildews are a group of obligate parasitic ascomycetes on vascular plants. Morphology of the mycelium, appressoria en haustoria are treated in their presence on their host. Sexual fructification by anamorph conidia, teleomorph fruitbodies and taxonomical system and changes of the old system are briefly treated. The genera of mildews growing in Belgium are listed. Practical tips and aid from my personal experience are given for the identification of mildews. |